Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Weekly Tuesday Recap

This past Tuesday we took a break from routine at The Gaming Zone. Up until now we've had Halo going non-stop, on two screens with as many as eight players at a time. That had been a blast, and probably will be again in the future, but the group that showed up this Tuesday said they'd had enough of blowing each other up and darting around alien landscapes. So we shook things up a little bit, PLCMC-style. On one screen we had Capcom's 'Fighting Evolution' with two people taking turns at beating each other to a pulp, and on the other system we had a group playing Madden 2005. The event was a lot of fun, and I had a blast just watching two different games going on at one time on two giant screens. I wish college could have been this fun! And after the fighting and footballing was done, a few of us spent the last twenty minutes racing each other and smashing into crazed drivers in Burnout 3.

I can say without second thought that Burnout 3 is perhaps the greatest invention in the history of the human race. As an official 'team member' of The Gaming Zone, I am begging you, all future attendees, p-l-e-a-s-e demand that we play this game as much as possible. If life could be as fun as Burnout 3, I'd never turn the television on.

All in all the weekly Tuesday events have gone very well. Aside from the great gaming, one of the things that has most impressed me about these events is their ability to bring people together. Not only is this a central part of the library's mission, it is a great community event and a great chance for people of different backgrounds to meet and share a common interest. It is very rewarding to watch everyone getting along and bonding and having a good time, and I'm very proud to be a part of this.

Thanks to everyone who came, and I hope to see more of you there in the future. Every Tuesday at 1:00 pm...

This is Nathan, signing off for now... Good night, and good luck.