Wednesday, November 02, 2005

October Friday Photos

We've got a handful of photos over in the Flickr Photo gallery you can access on the right hand of the blog here but I wanted to immediately drop a couple here into the post for you to see.

Halo 2 Round Room

Having two cable linked X-Boxes on two projector screens and eight guy son a map makes for a great time in the round room every time.

Learning a new Game

Everyone enjoyed the night and quite a few people learned new stuff like the sports games we had on the Playstation. Although barely discernable in the background you can also see our PC area setup with Warcraft III that featured a 3 man co-operative venture while this picture was taken.

Zombies the board game

Brains got eaten and boomsticks were used when a couple of hardy souls ventured into learn this more mature descendant of Monopoly.


A lot of folks broke up the evening with games of checkers and chess but if you look in the background (or in the gallery to the right) you'll see some of the hardcore Scrabble players who kept the tables hopping all night. Fortunately we didn't need a CSI team to clean up a mess.